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Protocol SMTP

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SMTP, a standard protocol to send and receive email messages, is used. It is easy to use and supported by all major email clients. It includes line-by–line transmission. The protocol also has an end-of–data sequence. This consists of a complete stop and a new-line. One caveat is that lines in the message body cannot contain more than one period. If this happens, the client sends two periods (or more) to the server. This replaces one of the periods. This is "dot stuffing".

Message Id

SMTP uses a message identifier to identify the original message. Machine-readable identifiers must follow the msg id specification format. The identifier can be a phrase or a word that summarises the message. It also lets the receiver know about the contents. An identifier for a message can also contain a comment.

Message body

The Protocol SMTP Message bodies are made up of several parts. The first is the header line. The SMTP header is a readable string containing a keyword, followed a colon, then a value. Some header keywords are required and others are optional. The SMTP header line must contain a To line and a From line. It may also include a Subject line. The SMTP header line differs from SMTP commands in that it is part of the actual mail message.


RCPT command

The RCPT command identifies a mail relay server. Before transferring the message, the relay host requests permission from the server. A 354 response code usually indicates that permission has been granted by the server. The sender begins to transfer the mail data line-by-line once permission is granted. The contents of the message will be inserted into the mailbox by the recipient SMTP Server.

DATA command

In Smtp protocol the DATA signal signals the beginning of a new message. The message is composed of a header and a body. If the message is successful, the server will send a 250 response code.

QUIT command

Sending a QUIT command can be used to end a session with SMTP. SMTP servers will detect the QUIT command, and issue a 221 message of goodwill to the recipient device. This message ends the TCP connection between the sending device and the receiving device.


The RCPT protocol to SMS allows you send SMS messages over the Internet. This protocol uses RFC822 to encode the content of an SMS message. It also requires a minimum of 256 bytes. A SMS message can only contain 160 characters (7-bit) and 70 Unicode characters (70 Unicode characters). But, you can send longer messages. First, divide the message into smaller segments. Next, encrypt the text message.

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The DATA command starts the transmission of the mail message body. The message is then sent line by line to its destination and terminated with an end-of-data sequence of a new-line and a full stop. The message body can also contain a single line that is composed only of a period. This is known to be dot-stuffing. The client may send two periods, and the server will reply with one period.

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Web development is hard?

Web Development is not easy, but if you have a passion for coding, there are many online resources that can help you learn how to code.

The only thing you need is to search for the right tools and follow their steps step by step.

YouTube and other platforms offer many tutorials. You can also download free software online like Sublime Text or Notepad++.

Many books are also available in libraries or bookstores. The most widely-read books include:

O'Reilly Media, "Head First HTML and CSS"

O'Reilly Media presents "Head First PHP and MySQL 5th Edition"

"PHP Programming for Absolute Beginners" by Packt Publishing

I hope this article helped you.

How to design a site?

The first step is to understand what you want your site to do for your customers. What are your customers looking for?

What problems might they have if they don't find what they're looking for on your site?

Now you need to figure out how you can solve these problems. It is also important to ensure your site looks great. It should be simple to navigate and use.

Your site should be very well-designed. You should ensure that your site loads quickly. If it takes too long, people may not be able to stay as long. They will move on to something else.

It is essential to determine where all your products reside before you start building an eCommerce website. Are they all located in the same location? Are they in one location?

You must decide whether to sell one product only or many products simultaneously. Are you looking for a single product to sell or multiple products?

Once you have answered these questions, you can begin building your site.

Now, you have to think about the technical aspects of your site. How will your site operate? Is it fast enough? Is it possible to access the information quickly using a computer?

Are people able to purchase something without paying extra? Is it necessary for them to register before they are able to purchase anything?

These are vital questions you need to ask. You'll be able to move forward once you have the answers to these important questions.

How much does it cost to create an ecommerce site?

This depends on your platform and whether you hire a freelancer or go through a service provider. The average eCommerce site starts at $1,000.

However, once you decide on a platform, you can expect to pay anywhere between $500 and $10,000.

A template is usually less than $5,000 if you plan to use it. This includes any customizations you may need to match your brand.


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How To

How to use WordPress for Web Design

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Protocol SMTP